Dead Wives just released two insanely great tracks as part of a 5-song demo that they recorded during the blizzard that we had a couple of weeks ago, and then posted the other day on their Bandcamp when nobody was looking. Somehow I get the feeling that Dead Wives would be a lot bigger with the current '90s revival crowd if they had picked a name that was sexier -- like Speedy X or something -- but as it is, they may not have the better name but they've got the better songs. The two new songs are near-perfect (i.e. short, catchy, recorded like total shit) and sound like Sebadoh/Guided By Voices more than ever, so check 'em out here:
Dead Wives, "Away From View"
One old thing that I've had hanging around is the "Milk & Water" EP, one of the earliest Dead Wives demos dating back to 2007. If I've got my fact straight, which I often don't, this EP was a solo recording effort by Dead Wives frontman Mike Falcone (who has also spent time drumming for Ovlov and Speedy Ortiz, a couple of the aforementioned slightly-more-publicized '90s-type bands, so whatever). I've posted a couple of tracks from the EP before, but I don't think the whole thing has ever appeared anywhere -- not even on the Dead Wives bandcamp or their blog -- and it's kinda neat, so I'm going to post most of it here, minus the untitled final track which is just a noise collage sorta thingy.
I managed to catch Dead Wives' first-ever full band show (and their second one, too) back in 2010, and at the time I thought they sounded a lot like some '90s Danbury bands like Creature Did and Atlas, besides the obvious Dino Jr./GBV references. This demo has a bunch of those Nirvana/Creature Did/grunge-type songs, but you'll also get some curveballs, like "Lofi Daze", which I think is one of the best GBV-type pop songs to ever come out of CT, and "Young Sun" which is a dead ringer for major-label starting-to-suck era Sonic Youth. Even crazier, if I had you to cover your eyes and then played "Wildfire" you'd swear that it was a Damien Pratt song, except that nobody knows who Damien Pratt is. "Crash Landing" and "Mild" were eventually re-recorded for 2011's "Scuz Bucket", and I'll bet by now even Dead Wives themselves probably couldn't care to listen the rest of this, which makes it about equal to everything else that I post on this blog.
Dead Wives -
"Crash Landing"
"Lofi Daze"
"Covered in Shit"
"Young Sun"
What can we do to make Damien the International Pop Sensation we all know he is?
He could always move from Brooklyn to somewhere more musician-friendly
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