Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Giants Had To Trip The Wire

click for enlarged view

This song has one of the most awesome, soaring hooks I've ever heard, and that's not surprising since Clint Conley of Mission of Burma wrote it. "Red Clouds" was Busted Statues' one and only record, other than some compilation tracks, but it's a pretty damn good one.

Even if you've never heard of Busted Statues before, you've probably heard of some of its members. David Kleiler, who played on this record, was also in Sorry and Volcano Suns, Corey Brennan was in Bullet Lavolta, and Bob Moses played in Kustomized with Peter Prescott. About the only other thing I know about Busted Statues is that Bob L'Heureux was nicknamed "The Grinning Skull", according to a story I once read in Forced Exposure, and once you know that, what else do you need to know?

A somewhat interesting footnote to this single is that Clint Conley later re-wrote "Red Clouds" as "What a Body Could Do", which appeared on the first Consonant CD, although Conley made mention of Busted Statues in the writing credits.

click for enlarged view

Busted Statues -

"Red Clouds"

Consonant -

"What a Body Could Do"

(both these files are now listen-only)

click for enlarged view


Anonymous said...

Kustomized, any good?

Brushback said...

I kinda dig Kustomized-- plus they had the best CD artwork on Matador.

Very Volcano Suns-ish, if a bit more guitar-riffy. I might do a post on one or two of their CDs eventually.

Brushback said...

The mp3 files on this post are now listen-only (non-downloadable) files.