"Out of Sight, Out of Mind" works the heavy power trio angle to good effect and stands as a unique album in the MDID discography - Scat Records catalog blurb
This is the only My Dad Is Dead album that I own, so lucky for me it works out that this is the MDID "rock" album-- and a fine piece of rock it be, said to be recorded with members of Cobra Verde and Prisonshake, besides (there's no actual info on the record itself, it's just something that I read somewhere). This was also mastered quieter overall than any other LP I've ripped up to this point, which I'm guessing is because Mark's guitar on most of the tracks is distorted way the heck out there. It might make your speakers buzz a little funny, but it also makes for a really heavy guitar record, and that's a wonderful thing.
Mark Edward's singing has been described as "flat" by some, but in looking at all that came afterwards which might've used MDID as a reference point (Dis-, Silkworm, Karl Hendricks, Thee Speaking Canaries, etc.), that's hardly anything to complain about. Now, when I go back and listen to the way Mark sings lines like, "She's in love, and she don't know what that means", almost right away it brings to mind Paul Banks, and if Interpol never covered "She's In Love" then maybe it's because they've got better things to do, like write another boring record or something, who knows.
The vinyl for this album went out of print last year sometime, but the CD version is still available from Scat (www.scatrecords.com), so because of that I'm only posting two tracks here. If you like 'em, head on over to Scat and buy the CD, please-- this entire alb's totally killer, if you're asking me. Also, the first five My Dad Is Dead LPs, along with some b-sides and obscurities, are generously available for download at www.mydadisdead.com; again, if you're looking for some direction, all three of the records on Homestead are pretty ace.

My Dad Is Dead -
"She's In Love"
"Had To Laugh"
(these files are now listen-only)

Haha, I can't tell if you're joking or not with the label photo comment on my blog recently. I definitely got the idea from your blog and how you go about posting visuals of the records, which I think is really cool. I apologize if it comes across as biting on what you're doing.
I don't have a scanner available and I think it's a cooler alternative to just taking a photo of the sleeve, etc. Anyway, I should have thrown you some props for that.
As always, your blog rocks and thanks for continuing to check out mine. It's appreciated man.
Not joking, honest-- I think they're cool! You take them from really close-up at an angle and allow the reflections and the background to come into the shot, which I don't do, so they're not really like my photos at all.
The mp3 files on this post are now listen-only (non-downloadable) files. They are now being hosted on my Vox account (accesible through either of the above listen-only links), along with 4 other songs from the album which weren't included in the original post.
Please buy this CD from Scat!
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