I've kidded some about Cheap Trick around here, but just so there's no mistake-- I love the fuckers.
From the infamous and wickedly rockin' Red Ant album, released in 1997 and then deleted 3 weeks later when the label went belly-up. Don't worry, there's still 128 used copies available on Amazon for 97 cents.
Cheap Trick -
"Wrong All Along"
"Yeah Yeah"
"Baby No More"
(these files are now listen-only)
Cheap Trick interview from issue 19 of the awesome Go Metric zine.
To see the online version, go here.
97 cents ?
Inexpensive not "cheap".
What's a copy of Bridges to Babylon going for these days?
Just kidding, you know, ib...
Hey! What's with the picking out of ib in bold all of a sudden ? And while I'm at it how do you do that in 'comments' anyhow ? Or italicise for that matter ? I can't do that. And it's driving me crazy...
I don't know if you can do this with every blog, but with Blogspot you can put links and some text HTML within a comment.
It even says down at the bottom, there...
b = bold
i = italics
Nope. Doesn't appear to work - on a Mac keyboard, at any rate - and I even had a witty response up my sleeve if it had. Damn.
Please continue to work on it, ib, I could use a witty response.
A bold witty response
I shoulda known.
I picked up a copy of this somewhere for a buck that had a CD sleeve sloppily bound to the jewel case with packing tape that contained a disc with a few cover songs of pre E.L.O. band The Move that I think got released as one of those oddball Sub-Pop 7"s. I mean, they did do that House Of Pain single..and the T.S.O.L./Slayer split..why not Cheap Trick? That Nirvana cash isn't going to spend itself. -Sean/Wires In The Walls
Man, Sub Pop release House of Pain and TSOL singles? What a bunch of suck.
The Liquor Giants covered The Move on one of their CDs, also.
The mp3 files in this post are now listen-only. I also took down the two songs from the '97 remake (with Steve Albini) of "In Color", which I had hidden in the post behind two of the photos, and not a single person found them. You guys are obviously no good at finding Easter eggs!
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