Friday, October 3, 2008

I've Been Wrong All Along

I've kidded some about Cheap Trick around here, but just so there's no mistake-- I love the fuckers.

From the infamous and wickedly rockin' Red Ant album, released in 1997 and then deleted 3 weeks later when the label went belly-up. Don't worry, there's still 128 used copies available on Amazon for 97 cents.

Cheap Trick -

"Wrong All Along"


"Yeah Yeah"

"Baby No More"

(these files are now listen-only)


click for enlarged view

click for enlarged view

click for enlarged view

Cheap Trick interview from issue 19 of the awesome Go Metric zine.
To see the online version, go here.

Southern Girls


ib said...

97 cents ?

Inexpensive not "cheap".

Brushback said...

What's a copy of Bridges to Babylon going for these days?

Brushback said...

Just kidding, you know, ib...

ib said...

Hey! What's with the picking out of ib in bold all of a sudden ? And while I'm at it how do you do that in 'comments' anyhow ? Or italicise for that matter ? I can't do that. And it's driving me crazy...

Brushback said...

I don't know if you can do this with every blog, but with Blogspot you can put links and some text HTML within a comment.

It even says down at the bottom, there...

b = bold
i = italics

ib said...

Nope. Doesn't appear to work - on a Mac keyboard, at any rate - and I even had a witty response up my sleeve if it had. Damn.

Brushback said...

Please continue to work on it, ib, I could use a witty response.

Chris said...

A bold witty response

Brushback said...

I shoulda known.

Anonymous said...

I picked up a copy of this somewhere for a buck that had a CD sleeve sloppily bound to the jewel case with packing tape that contained a disc with a few cover songs of pre E.L.O. band The Move that I think got released as one of those oddball Sub-Pop 7"s. I mean, they did do that House Of Pain single..and the T.S.O.L./Slayer split..why not Cheap Trick? That Nirvana cash isn't going to spend itself. -Sean/Wires In The Walls

Brushback said...

Man, Sub Pop release House of Pain and TSOL singles? What a bunch of suck.

The Liquor Giants covered The Move on one of their CDs, also.

Brushback said...

The mp3 files in this post are now listen-only. I also took down the two songs from the '97 remake (with Steve Albini) of "In Color", which I had hidden in the post behind two of the photos, and not a single person found them. You guys are obviously no good at finding Easter eggs!