Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm So Bored That I Don't Think I Can Work

About a year ago, Estrogen Highs played a set at Cafe Nine that was recorded by a professional mobile recording unit, with fancy overhead mics and big cables running out the back door of the club and everything. Wes wore a Thin Lizzy shirt, and they played mostly songs from the forthcoming "Irrelevant Future" LP, which was only in its mastering stage at that point. Now Safety Meeting has released most of that set on a limited-run cassette (I seem to remember a Guided By Voices cover that was left out), and it's a corker -- only 100 made, on pro-dubbed cassettes, which you can snap up here. It's also available digitally on Bandcamp, which means you can check out some of the tracks first and see how slick this thing is.

Estrogen Highs, "The Seventh Sunday of The Ordinary Times"

Estrogen Highs, "Weed Queen"

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