Saturday, September 14, 2013

The World Will Be Run By Whoever Shows Up

This is a neat label sampler that I picked up at the last Cafe Nine show that I was at, Michael Beach or whatever it was (pretty good guess on my part, huh). Twin Lakes is a local Connecticut label that puts out mostly good stuff in the heavy-outsider-rock/folk-type realm -- I mean, they've put out a couple of things that I don't like, but so what. Most of the good stuff on here I knew about already (Michael Beach's "Mountains + Valleys" cassette, Electric Jellyfish, Closely Watched Trains, my two favorite tracks from the Myty Konkeror LP), but one of the bands that I didn't know that stuck out on the first listen was Source of Yellow, from Brooklyn. They've got the last track on the CD, "The Metronome Breaks The Hearts of All Believers", which came on as I was driving up I-91, and it sorta fit in well with the pulse of the street lights as they were going by, plus it reminded me of my dad's Brian Auger records that I used to listen to when I was kid. Not like they sound alike, it just reminded me. The other Source of Yellow track has this cool jagged guitar burst that starts popping up about two minutes into it, like that one good Radiohead song, android-something-or-other (too bored to go look it up). You can hear the whole sampler as a name-your-price download on the Twin Lakes bandcamp, although they swap out one of the tracks on the CD and mis-label a couple of the others. Don't let Eric Danton know or he'll have a hissy fit.

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