Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Thought I Had The Right Idea

click for enlarged view

I bought this Meanies 7" back in the mid-90's, and for the longest time I thought The Meanies were just some Chapel Hill indie rock band or something, because they had a record on Merge and there's no other address on it and I never actually bothered to flip the record over. It wasn't until years later when I bought another record of theirs (and then went back and listened to the b-side of this one) that I found out The Meanies were Australian, and they were actually total Ramones-core! Stupid me, I guess.

So anyway, I like "Rhyming Logic" a lot (the hook is great, and the "Rarrr!" and the cowbell-sounding thing that starts the song off is just too cool), so much so that I even used to put it on mix tapes and stuff, back when people really did that sort of thing (actual cassettes, not just mp3 files). There was one time back around '96 that I put my first and only show together (Nevertheless, The Differents, and I think Farmertan if I remember correctly) and it looked like I was going to get to pick the music that played between bands, so I spent a day putting a tape together and "Rhyming Logic" was one of the songs I put on it, along with Yo La Tengo's cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams", and Couch Flambeau, and a bunch of other stuff, but they ended up using some other music instead. Good thing, because if they'd played my tape, people woulda walked out.

click for enlarged view

The Meanies -

"Rhyming Logic"

(this file is now listen-only)

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click for enlarged view

click for enlarged view


Chris said...

I heard of these guys through tape trading back in the late 80s/early 90s. I think I was sent a tape with one of their EP's on it. I keep meaning and forgetting to track down their The Meanie of Life album. Thanks for the reminder.

Brushback said...

I'm re-reading this post the next day, and I see that it makes no sense. I'm going to keep it the way it is, though, because I'm punk rock that way. FUCK COHERENCE!!

Brushback said...

The mp3 file on this post is now a listen-only (non-downloadable) file. TOUGH LUCK, CHARLIE! No, actually, for those of you who missed the boat, I will do my best to respond to any e-mailed requests for the original file.