Friday, February 22, 2008

I Ain't No Weak Tit

click for enlarged view

Make a list of all the "retro pop punk" bands that first came to bear back in the early-to-mid 90's-- bands that all wore Chucks and gave more than just a passing nod to the Ramones-- and Head's claim to fame is probably that they had the dumbest lyrics out of all of them. That's gotta count for at least something, right?

A CD of all the early Head records came out on Evil Clown just a few months ago, but I have the original vinyl and CDs aren't punk, anyway, so fuckit, I'm posting it.

click for enlarged view

Head -

"Larry Tate"

"I Ain't No Weak Tit"

(these files are now listen-only)

click for enlarged view

click for enlarged view


Anonymous said...

HEAD does things to me... I'm very conflicted. RULES!

Brushback said...

Yeah, Head rule.

Brushback said...

Hey, sorry, but the mp3 files on this post are now listen-only (non-downloadable) files. For those of you who came to the party late, I will do my best to respond to any e-mailed requests for the original files.