This is a flexi that came with the fourth issue of Take It! magazine, but I never got a copy of the magazine, I just found the flexi sitting off by itself one day at Brass City Records. It's not all that rare or anything-- in fact, you can still buy copies of all five issues of Take It! (, though they're $17 each. Despite some sonic issues (this is a 30-yr-old flexidisc, after all) this is fairly wonderful... which you can find out for yourself by listening right now.
"Message to The World"
Half Japanese -
"No Danger"
Yr welcome!
Some fine work sir, lovin' this
The Half Jap tracks are also available as bonus tracks on the Loud & Horrible compilation CD Drag City released a few years back. It is essential, especially since Loud is the greatest album in the history of recorded music.
Ha ha -- yeah, I noticed when I played the Half Japanese tracks from this flexi that they showed up as being from Loud & Horrible on my LastFM... I kinda figured you'd chime in, since I sorta remembered that Half Jap is your favorite band (although I've always thought the greatest album in the history of recorded music is "Ampeg Stud")...
Oh, and Vamp, you're welcome -- good stuff with the Kiwi-Pop you've been putting up lately...
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