Sunday, April 10, 2011

There's No Danger If You Do It Right

This is a flexi that came with the fourth issue of Take It! magazine, but I never got a copy of the magazine, I just found the flexi sitting off by itself one day at Brass City Records. It's not all that rare or anything-- in fact, you can still buy copies of all five issues of Take It! (, though they're $17 each. Despite some sonic issues (this is a 30-yr-old flexidisc, after all) this is fairly wonderful... which you can find out for yourself by listening right now.

The Mutants -

"Message to The World"

Half Japanese -


"No Danger"


Holly said...


Brushback said...

Yr welcome!

Anonymous said...

Some fine work sir, lovin' this

Lightning Baltimore said...

The Half Jap tracks are also available as bonus tracks on the Loud & Horrible compilation CD Drag City released a few years back. It is essential, especially since Loud is the greatest album in the history of recorded music.

Brushback said...

Ha ha -- yeah, I noticed when I played the Half Japanese tracks from this flexi that they showed up as being from Loud & Horrible on my LastFM... I kinda figured you'd chime in, since I sorta remembered that Half Jap is your favorite band (although I've always thought the greatest album in the history of recorded music is "Ampeg Stud")...

Brushback said...

Oh, and Vamp, you're welcome -- good stuff with the Kiwi-Pop you've been putting up lately...