Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm Almost Clean

I took out my copy of the "From Twisted Minds..." compilation last night, and it reminded me that I own this single. If there's any reason at all why I would own this record, it's because Mike Doskocil (Drunks With Guns) played drums for this band, though you'd be hard-pressed to find anything resembling Drunks With Guns here. If I had to guess, I'd say this record probably sounds more like Mighty Sphincter, and the only reason why I can even guess what Mighty Sphincter sounds like is that I used to get promos from Placebo. Mighty Sphincter also played the Anthrax Club once, and the guy who made the flyer spelled their name "Mightey Sphincter". Think about that: he knew how to spell Sphincter, but didn't know how to spell Mighty.

I've picked the one song that sounds the most punk to post here, but both sides of this single are horrendously bad. I'm almost amazed at how the singer managed to keep all of the words in his head as he was singing, since each song is over 4 minutes long with interminably stupid lyrics like "his god has left his heart unkept/oh beautiful sin/ forgiven over me I cannot breathe/oh don't drown me", or whatever the fuck he says. Sometimes I can just picture bands like this playing one of their endless songs, goth props and candles placed all around the stage, the singer posing and twisting around in a frilly shirt making "my life is such pain" faces, and then at the end of their godawful 5-minute song two people politely clap and the band says "thank you" to dead silence. And then they load their amps and shit into the Toyota and go off to the Bess Eaton drive-thru or whatever it is that they do.

Bootbeast -

"Heart Head"


Bruce said...

"then at the end of their godawful 5-minute song two people politely clap and the band says "thank you" to dead silence. And then they load their amps and shit into the Toyota and go off to the Bess Eaton drive-thru or whatever it is that they do."


Lightning Baltimore said...

Yeah . . . stinky! Were they attempting a Batcave revival or sommat?

Brushback said...

oooh, Batcave, there's one I've never heard before.

Bruce probably had a 45 Grave joke band for 5 minutes that was better than these guys.

Lightning Baltimore said...

Hmmmm . . . sarcasm detector not working . . . seriously? Specimen and Alien Sex Fiend were prob the two biggest bands from that scene. As was said of Spinal Tap, Batcave filled a much-needed void.

Brushback said...

Yeah, I had to google "Batcave" to find out what it was -- that stuff was all way too Sounds/NME for me, I never really paid any attention to that type of stuff...

Brushback said...

The mp3 file on this post is now inactive.