Qui was almost the best show I saw at Cafe Nine in 2007, at least until The King Khan & BBQ Show ripped through town in December and topped everyone. Now, I loved Scratch Acid-- seeing them a few times, interviewing David Yow in '87, blah blah blah-- but I probably couldn't name five Jesus Lizard songs if you bet me 20 bucks. Still, Qui hit me right in a comfortable spot, and it was nice to see Yow again up on stage freaking people out, even if he didn't do anything too gross, besides drinking out of people's drinks and grabbing people's cigarettes out of their mouths, all while a song was still going on.
One of the first things Yow did once Qui started their set was throw open the curtains to the big storefront window behind the stage, which didn't do much besides allowing anyone who was walking by to see right in... and that the light from the neon Bud Light sign, now directly behind the drummer's head, kept messing with my flash the whole night. I'm no Ansel Adams, obviously.
Qui -
"Willie The Pimp"
(these files are now listen-only)
Yeah, but I'd rather see photos of a sweaty Yow than a swaying yew anyday...Ansel Adams was a dark room charlatan whose legacy is making secretaries wonder why the photo they took of a pile of rocks doesn't look anything like the one in their page-a-day calendar. Your shutter clicking is always appreciated, especially since I missed this show!
I made a personal vow to keep twenty feet from him back in '95 (Yow, not the corpse of Ansel Adams..though the rule still applies), though I'm sure I'll be front and center for the Jesus Lizard reunion shows. I'll even name 20 Lizard songs for five bucks. Its a steal!
I didn't tune in to Jesus Lizard at the very start, for various reasons, and then later it seemed like they were taking the shot at the big time, so I just never got into it.
I tried to stay away from anything that smacked of major label Nirvana alt-metal for college jocks.
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