Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Wanna Get To The Truth I Suppose

click for enlarged view

I used to own a whole slew of Ace of Hearts 45s (wish I still had the Mission of Burma ones), but now all I have is this one, and the Neighborhoods. I wasn't all that into the Infliktors 45 when I first bought it, back when I was 19 or 20 or whenever just to keep up with my Ace of Hearts collection, because it's definitely not a punk record. I guess it's a good thing I held onto it, though, because I can appreciate it a lot more now. This ain't punk, it's dirty blues, or else it's white boys who ain't got a job, with the guitar recorded about as loud as any 45 that I've heard since, so watch out for your speakers.

click for enlarged view

Infliktors -

"Where'd You Get That Cigarette"

(this file is now listen-only)

click for enlarged view


Brushback said...

The mp3 file on this post is now a listen-only (non-downloadable) file. For those of you who missed the boat, I will do my best to respond to any e-mailed requests for the original file.

Anonymous said...

or you could just get a program to rip the stream (like all2wav.com) that'll wotk.

thanks for this, one of my fav 45's from the boston punk scene, now I don't have to set up a phono to convert my copy.


btw I have lots of files of this scene & era, anything you're looking ofr

Maso said...

Lee Ritter was a very close friend of mine from 1965 on to about 1970 in Yonkers, N.Y..

I would like very much to find a way to hear his "Infliktors" recordings.

I spoke to him on the telephone just before he passed.

Maso said...



Is there any way that you could e-mail to me his stuff...? As an mp3...? It would mean a lot to me if I could have that. I was in a band with him for a time. I played the Rhythem Guitar. I still remember the songs that Lee tought me. We weren't great. We both knew Steve Tyler from Airosmith.

My e-mail: tdelello@bellsouth.net

Anonymous said...

Who are you guys? I'm Lee's wife and the mother of his children.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Wife...

Contact me at: tdelello@bellsouth.net if you want to know who I am.


papapepe said...

I knew the youngest Ritter brothers when they lived in Pa. in the 70s. Their father Leo was a crew cut straight arrow Scoutmaster. Their mom Ann was quiet. They had 3 girls then 5 boys, mostly big and hairy (the boys I mean.) Lee was a legend, I think he stayed North when the family moved down. I remember they told us Lee met Steve Tyler at a party, they hung out, and the Infliktors were gonna open for Aerosmith. Wish it happened Joe DiStefano at the Philadelphia Inquirer

Maso said...

Lee Rittter was a very close friend of mine in the late 1960's in Yonkers. We were in a little garage band for a time with me on rhythm guitar. Roger, Allan and John. Raymond sat in on drums one night.