Feedtime, of course, is legendary, or at least they should be. Their sound is a relentless, machine-like pounding, like a freight train that passes and even after it's gone you can still feel the vibrations coming up from the ground through your feet. Most of the basic elements of "rock" are there if you look-- rhythm and melody, even harmonies, somewhat. Feedtime can sound like the blues, they can sound like punk rock, they can sound like surf music or even Motorhead, but it's all the same sound, it's just whatever way you choose to hear it. I think that's the beauty of Feedtime, really.
On this split, Feedtime and King Snake Roost take turns covering each other's songs ("There is no a or b side. Both are e sides"). If it's a glorious, sludgy racket you're looking for, here it is.
"Buffalo Bob"
King Snake Roost -
"More Than Love"
(these files are now listen-only)
AMREP does (did) Australia.
FEEDTIME isn't a band I could ever listen to often. Vocals sound like Skrewdriver. Their Billy album was pretty solid from what I remember. Melody Line was actually kind of nice, y'know?
As for KING SNAKE ROOST... those fuckers sounded like BUGS in your SOUND SYSTEM. GROUND INTO THE DIRT was a prefect album name since whenever I put them on I could feel the dirt surface to my skin. No beauty here, folks. GOOD SHIT!
Feedtime = Ian Stuart, that's a new one.
The mp3 files on this post are now listen-only (non-downloadable) files. For those of you who missed the boat, I will do my best to respond to any e-mailed requests for the original files.
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