Friday, December 23, 2016

I Used To Work At The Laundromat But Then It Folded

Some Christian rock, for the holidays.

Wormdoom -

"Blessed Assurance Part One"


  1. Jesus. Just tracked down "Last Days Boogie" on Amazon UK. Retailing NEW at £82.40.

    Thankfully I bought it for under a tenner from a reseller.

    1. Yeah, some of that Twisted Village stuff can be fairly pricey. If I remember correctly, there's a deluxe vinyl edition that goes for even more.

  2. A Connecticut label as well as band ?

    1. Massachusetts really (Twisted Village started in Connecticut, but was mostly based out of Boston) but the majority of everyone in Wormdoom was either from Connecticut or had ties to Connecticut (Joe Malinowski, Tom Leonard, Wayne Rogers), if I've got my facts straight

  3. Thanks for filling in the blanks. I just listened to some Magic Hour and a little of the Crystalized Movements, both of which I gather feature Kate Biggar and Wayne Rogers too. Not as off the wall as Wormdoom, I feel. I'm looking forward to hearing the album when it comes. Albeit some 20 years after the fact.


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